Green Finance Africa must green its financial sector to finance a green revolution

Our vision & objective

As countries begin to recover from the Coronavirus pandemic, we must take the historic opportunity to tackle climate change at the same time – to build back better, and greener.

Alok Sharma, UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) President.

Africa, one of the most climate-vulnerable regions of the world, currently captures just three per cent of sustainable investment flows, showing the challenge for low-income developing countries to capitalise on the green finance boom. 

Without the foundational skills, data, regulatory frameworks and policies to support green finance, developing nations will struggle to offer adequate scale, quality and returns for private investors. At the same time, the greening of the global financial system must account for the unique challenges and opportunities in regions outside of Europe and North America or risk entrenching existing barriers to funding.

Our vision & objective

FSD Africa’s vision is that Africa can unlock new pathways to prosperity and resilience while helping the world realise the promise of the Paris Agreement and tackle the dual crises of climate change and biodiversity loss.

We believe that Africa can leapfrog the environmentally damaging development models of the past, by instead establishing a resilient low-carbon economy and enabling its rich natural capital to thrive.
