FSD Africa Investments (FSDAi) is the investing arm of FSD Africa, a UK International Development funded regional programme operating in more than 30 countries from its Kenya base, to make finance work for Africa’s future. While FSD Africa supports market development through advocacy, thought leadership, and capacity support, FSDAi makes investments in support of these policy objectives in novel financial instruments, facilities and intermediaries that can accelerate the role of finance in Africa’s green economic growth.

Chief Investment Officer, FSD Africa Investments

Head, Investments

Senior Manager, Investments

Principal, Investments

Investment Head - Venture & Early-Stage Financing Vehicles

Investment Principal, Private Capital Mobilisation

Manager, Portfolio Risk

Investment Manager, FSD Africa Investments

Associate, Investments

Associate, Investments

Associate, ESG Investments

Analyst, Portfolio Risk

Analyst, Investments

Analyst, Investments

Analyst, Investments

Assistant, Programmes

Assistant, ESG/GLI and Strategic Risk