We make finance work for Africa's future
Established in 2012 and supported by UK aid, FSD Africa is a specialist development agency working to make finance work for Africa’s future.
FSD Africa is incorporated as a non-profit company limited by guarantee in Kenya. It is funded by UK aid from the UK government.
At FSD Africa, our programming is designed to address systemic challenges within Africa’s financial markets, with the aim of sparking large-scale and long-term change. Our interventions are designed from the ground up, to ensure that Africa’s financial markets better serve those most in need – today, and long after our programmes end.
From our headquarters in Nairobi, our team of over 35 financial sector experts lead ambitious programmes spanning 31 countries across the continent.
FSD Africa is part of a family of 10 financial sector deepening, or FSD programmes, operating across sub-Saharan Africa, known as the FSD Network. Together, the network provides over £50m a year in financial support to high-potential financial market development programmes, and employs over 150 financial sector experts, based in local offices across Africa.
As the FSD Network’s regional programme, FSD Africa works to strengthen the impact of individual FSDs and the network as a whole. We regularly convene the community, provide capacity building support, and foster opportunities for collaboration.

Based in Nairobi, our team works to strengthen, expand and deepen Africa’s financial sector.
We support breakthrough ideas that we believe will transform Africa’s financial markets.
Our team of financial sector experts work alongside governments, business leaders, regulators and policy makers to design and build ambitious programmes that make financial markets work better for everyone.
We design our programmes around the needs of our partners. Depending on the project, we can provide a combination of grants, investment capital, market insights or technical assistance to ensure we achieve our objectives.
We deliver programmes where the potential for impact is greatest. Across our programmes, we focus on increasing gender equality and we are working to grow our footprint in fragile and conflict-affected states.