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Remittance programme

The UK government has committed to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal to bring down the average cost of remittances to 3%. FSD Africa is working to make this commitment a reality. In partnership with specialist financial think-tank Cenfri and others, FSD Africa is working to strengthen remittance channels into and across sub-Saharan Africa.

In partnership with Cenfri, we’re conducting landmark research into the constraints and opportunities in key remittance corridors. Our research is also looking at the role of new technology in addressing existing challenges faced by poor consumers and service providers.

The Remittance programme is one part of a 5-year joint initiative between FSD Africa and specialist think-tank Cenfri, called Risk, Remittances and Integrity (RRI). Our research is designed to direct and inform interventions in the remittances sector by the development community, and to spotlight opportunities for private actors. As part of the programme, we also provide tailored technical support to key actors operating across the value chain.

