Towards a sustainable future - Making finance work for Africa's future.

Africa Map


  • Sudan Emergency Response

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  • ONCF Green Bond Support
  • Green Bonds Transactions

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Africa Map


  • Volume of funding Ā£65M
  • Number of FSD Africa-supported transactions closed: 2


  • Volume of funding Ā£2.50M


  • Volume of funding Ā£26.30M
  • Number of FSD Africa-supported transactions closed: 1


  • Volume of funding Ā£18.68M
  • Number of FSD Africa-supported transactions closed: 2


  • Volume of funding Ā£8.90M


  • Volume of funding Ā£16.30M
  • Number of FSD Africa-supported transactions closed: 1
Africa Map

Explore FSD Africaā€™s footprint and achievements
across the continent

ā¬¤ Our Interventions
ā¬¤ Our Impact
ā¬¤ Voices from the field

Our Theory of Change

Financing a Sustainable Future

We believe that the financial sector plays a crucial role in tackling real sector challenges such as poverty, climate change and biodiversity loss. Financial Service Providers in Africaā€™s are slowly recognizing the need for integrating social and environmental aspects into their business models. Ā We are collaborating with partners and using a variety of techniques to address key challenges and other financial sector issues hampering innovation in financial products and services. We investigate many pathways to attaining sustainable financial sector development impacting environment and African economies.Ā 

Targeted results between April 2021 and March 2026

Net change in greenhouse gas emissions (tCO2e) ā€“ tonnes of GHG emissions reduced or avoided as a result of FSD Africa initiatives (million metric tCO2e)- ICF indicator


Net change in greenhouse gas emissions (tCO2e) ā€“ tonnes of GHG emissions reduced or avoided as a result of FSD Africa initiatives (million metric tCO2e)- ICF indicator

Number of jobs created, protected and supported through FSD Africa initiatives.


Number of jobs created, protected and supported through FSD Africa initiatives.

Number of people with improved access to basic services


Number of people with improved access to basic services

Amount (Ā£m) of finance mobilised/catalysed by FSD Africa from the public and private sector for projects designed to address the needs of low income and marginalized groups and women, and climate change purposes (ICF indicator)

Ā£ 285m

Amount (Ā£m) of finance mobilised/catalysed by FSD Africa from the public and private sector for projects designed to address the needs of low income and marginalized groups and women, and climate change purposes (ICF indicator)

Proportion of FSD Africa supported portfolio, and completed transactions that are financed in local currency


Proportion of FSD Africa supported portfolio, and completed transactions that are financed in local currency

Number of FSD Africa supported transactions that have been closed


Number of FSD Africa supported transactions that have been closed


Everline Njoroge

Programme Assistant, DevelopmentalĀ Impact
