Early-Stage Finance


Achieving Africa’s green transition is vital for sustainable development. To meet the continentā€™s 2030 climate goals, a significant increase in climate finance – nine times the
current amount – is required. Our Early-Stage Finance (ESF) department is dedicated to catalysing essential innovation and growth across a diverse range of enterprises, addressing
one of the most pressing challenges of our time.ESF believes that the key to Africaā€™s green transition lies in leveraging the potential of small and growing businesses (SGBs).



Juliet Munroe
Director, Early-Stage Finance
Lead, Carbon Markets
Manager, Early-Stage Finance
Manager, Carbon Markets
Assistant Manager, Early-Stage Finance
Tolulope Babajide
Manager, Gender-FSD Network
Sophie Mills
Lead, Gender- FSD Network
Manager, Fragile Communities and States
Assistant, Programmes
Shannon Wangwe
Assistant, Programmes
Assistant, Sudan Innovation Studio for Resilience (ISR) Project